Men are not good at expressing emotions? In fact, they're not allowed to express their negative emotions.
This short film is inspired by my friends and I. It wants to persuade the audiences: it doesn't matter to express your negative emotions.
Director: Me
Casting: Kerun Quan, Yi Lu, Xiaobai
Special Thanks: Xiaowen Wu, Ziyi Wang, Hongjia Yang
This art installation is Infinity Mirrored Room - The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away (2013) by Yayoi Kusama. The medium is wood, metal, mirrors, plastic, acrylic, rubber, and LED lighting system.
Mirrored Room represents Yayoi's inner world. The hundreds LED lights represent both time and space, and the reflection makes the small room infinity. Entering the mirrored room creates an engaging and immersive moment. Yayoi's obsession with repetition comes from her childhood anxiety, but she uses her whole life to create art work based on her emotion. She said, "if the viewer can see my attitude to my life, and longing for love and peace behind those works, I'm so grateful and nothing can be compared to it."
My sound montage is based on my spiritual experience viewing the Infinity Mirrored Room. The experience starts with lining up and entering the room. Inside the room, I use different tones of dings and chimes to mimic the LED lights. For the mirror reflection, I arrange different panning for repetitive sounds. Some of the sounds are also pitched down to complement the low frequency. At the end, 7 tracks of vocals are layered to represents harmonic feeling. I think vocal is a good way to represent viewers' insignificance inside an enormous space.
I hope that the audio-visual effect brought by this montage is a good interpretation of the work itself and the spiritual world of Yayoi Kusama.
我的创作灵感来源于参观镜屋的感受。这段蒙太奇由三个部分组成,分别代表了参观镜屋的三个阶段。体验首先从排队进入镜屋开始。镜屋装置由木材,金属,镜子,塑料,丙烯酸纤维,橡胶和 LED 灯光系统组成。这段蒙太奇中也大量使用了这些素材的敲击音作为对镜屋结构的体现。在进入镜屋后的段落,我使用了不同频率的铃铛声来模拟 LED 灯的明灭,同时也对铃铛的声像进行了调整,用于展示镜面的反射。最后通过铃铛的降调来补充低频部分。蒙太奇的高潮部分由七轨人声构成。我将他们分成高音组和低音组,并分别发送到两个轨道调整 EQ 和混响。这段和声主要表达了参观镜屋时人和装置所达到的和谐的境界。我认为人声能很好的展示参观者在大空间中所感受到的渺小的体验。
这段作品同时是我对于草间弥生女士创作经历的回应。镜屋代表了草间弥生的内心世界。在狭小的房间内,镜面的反射使数百个悬挂的 LED 灯反射出无限的时空。这种以小见大的空间与灯光的配合为观众带来沉浸式的艺术体验,这其中也包含了草间弥生对于爱与和平的理解。我希望这段蒙太奇所带来的视听效果是对镜屋作品本身和草间弥生精神世界的很好的诠释。
When I set the final destination to Little Italy, I had no idea that Uber driver would drop me in the some where of The North End. I walked around and realized it's close to the aquarium. The place was serious and disappointing, but after several minutes' walk, I found the beauty of the block. It's vivid and lively, just as the people and animals from there.
An experiment of photo montage.
Chinatown means different things for Chinese. In this experiment, I use metric montage to combine images with similar elements - the food, the passengers and the elements representing spirit. The food and the passengers are varied from years to years, but one thing Chinatown has always held is its spirit.